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Work With Us


We are always on the look out for facepainters and camp facilitators. If you'd like to be part of the Discovery Playtime Team then get in touch!

Our Discovery Playtime Team

Mireia Lopez
Mireia Lopez Managing Director + Everything else!
Shannon McKivergan Events Coordinator + Executive officer
Sarah Farrant
Digital and Graphic Design + Advertising

About Us

Discovery Playtime was founded in 2017 by Mireia Lopez, a primary school teacher with a Master's in Educational Psychology and a Certificate in Therapeutic Play Skills. She is also qualified as a spare time children entertainer and as a Spanish teacher and she has 2 kids which have proved, more than anything, that PLAY is not a luxury, but a necessity.

When DISCOVERY PLAYTIME was born in 2017, Mireia (Mia) was running workshops for babies, toddlers and children with autism with the idea of promoting learning through play experiences where kids could learn and improve basic life skills while parents get to spend quality time with their kids and socialise in a safe and fun environment.

After organising and running hundreds of workshops and events for over 3 years including messy and sensory play sessions, children entertainment, corporate events, afterschool activities and so much more, Discovery Playtime Toy Shop was born. We only sell toys that we have tried and tested and we know they provide the kind of fun and learning that children need.